Being autistic made me better photographer but it not easy it takes lots of time & effort in a world not very design for Neurodivergent people and make it hard to communicate and socialise with others in a way that ( so called normal).
When did you first know or start to think you were autistic?
At a very young age I think making friends and keep them was a big difficulty for me but did not got diagnosis until around the age of 21/22 though the pandemic after fighting to get help from GPs doctor and so-called specialist that very do not know anything about Neuro divergently/disabilitys like this .
When I was in school the only friends I did make was definite over autistic and ADHD learning disabilities in Neurodivergent group in my year but also upper years too.
I didn't fit in the school the system I think not very designed for autistic in a way to help and get out the best things of having autism out school times 9 to 3 listening & following silly rules .....
I got bullied a lot In school like a lot of other autistic people it do seems like the bullys always know who to pick on and know before your self over specialist or teachers of has is condition.
But having lots of time off because looking after my nan with dementia.
Sadly see passed last year with it .
How did you develop your interest in photography, and when did you decide to start a career as a photographer?
I always loves looking in newspapers and magazines and on TV at a young age seeing all the different images and photography because having dyslexia reading and writing is still my biggest difficulty lots of the time I need help and support from my mother & teachers when I was in school but technically has become a very long way in text to speech and over thing that improved and help me.
So photos always stands out in my eyes that says the storytelling what is happening what going on ...
As career as a photographer because only very started getting more into photography industry It still a learning curve because I did not gone to college university to get a degree in it I doing my best to understand and try to get and follow over great photographers that have got the experience in it
Some of my favourite photographers that work in the west midlands area are Daniel Graves - https://www.instagram.com/dgp_pix?igsh=MWNudDY2enppdWg2Yw==
Simon hadley
Jas Sansi - https://www.instagram.com/jassansi?igsh=ZWU3M2xuczhjcDVw
Joseph Bailey - https://www.instagram.com/jassansi?igsh=ZWU3M2xuczhjcDVw
Denise Maxwell - https://www.instagram.com/lensi_photography?igsh=bjYyNWkycWR5dnkw
Shaun fellows - https://www.instagram.com/shine_pix?igsh=MXYyb3RxbHpsNGF6dQ==
Andy - https://www.instagram.com/andynewboldphot?igsh=Zmxwdm8xc3c4Mzht
(He is autistic too)
And some other too.
Photography is not only just passing a button on a camera it is editing that 75% of the time marketing on like of own website social media - Facebook Instagram twitter now called x .... The rest is dealing with clients businesses to get the opportunity.
Do you think that being autistic has helped you as a photographer? If so, how?
I see autism as a gift but also a disability that impacts your life on a daily basis every day is different.I do very dislike when people say it's a superpower to me is always playing it down making it childish and do not talk about the real difficulties what I feel and get and some with others that have it too.
Getting in photography mostly in event people Pr & press you always going to have that difficulty dealing with others that may not like getting photos taken and a bit nervous in front of the camera but honesty I am the same do not like photo taken of me I think it always a bit weird .
Being autistic my special interest is photography so it helps a lot in a way that makes me think about the bigger picture and stand out of the rest .
What is the most challenging part of being a photographer or getting in to photography.
I think the hardest thing is dealing with people that do not understand or respect you in way that put you down and fod off or lie to you face only because I am autistic and things do not come easily to me that I may need a bit more help or support but I think this people or businesses there is no point wasting your time and energy on them just move on and know you are better in any way that they are selfish or jealous.
I also find dealing with the financial side a bit difficult, because I think a big part of my autism and ADHD is that with numbers and the business side of it .
What is one thing you wish more people got right about autism?
I think that the biggest thing is it's difficult to make people understand what autism actually is, and a lot of people see autism as an illness that goes away when you get older or there is a special medication or treatment that get rid of it I am happy and very grateful I am autistic.
I definitely think that needs to be a big change how we see autism same with over disabilities like chronic illnesses ... The government dwp the NHS schools work environment businesses needs to adapt and fix the difficulties and problems facing the Neurodivergent group and understand and improve people life better to listen and change.
Did you know It takes nearly 10 to 25 more years that autistic to get anywhere in a career or industry.
There is lots of different reasons way I think because businesses and companies do not like to work with or hire or even given chances to use because they hate changing the whole system for people that doesn't fit in they're want the same copy and paste that can do 9to5 every day until ages of 75 .
What advice would you give to other autistic people looking to start a career as a photographer?
I think photography is hobby and career that you do not have to go to university college or get degree in it to understand and learn in a way is suitable for yourself
photography doesn't pay great straight away that takes time but there is also another thing never pair yourself to over there has been doing it more than 20 years that has got the experience of dealing with it or even not having autism or never having disability.
Getting experience and volunteering is really good to make you a better photographer and how the industry work.
I think also do not put too much pressure on yourself When autism and mental health get together, it can be really difficult to get out of it and get the right support and help.
Start with just taking photos with you phone is see if you like/love it and if you do move over to get cheap camera than work up from there.
Listen and follow but trying to not copy someone else make your own way your own style that your are happy with. Instagram number - following and like doesn't really matter and doesn't make you bad or a good photographer.
What is your dream camera ?
I think it will be a Nikon z9 with 24-70 f2.8 / 16-35 f2.8 lens
Canon R3 or the new released R1 with a 28-70 F2 70-200 f2.8
At the moment I use two Sony A7 RV best camera I had for a very long time one with battery grip because having arthritis in my hands it helps but it is bit heavy to use on a daily basis or all day that why I use a SMALLRIG Baseplate Bottom Mount Plate on the second body the Sony grip on the camera is way to small for normal or bigger hands.
I do hope if Sony do bring out a built-in extended portrait grip like Nikon or canon but not sure if they would ever do because they haven't done it before With older models.
I did have Canon M50 mark 2 before moving over still a fan of canon cameras but they lens are way too expensive and no third party at the moment from sigma or Tamron.

I hope is helps you please do follow Me on Instagram.
And thank you for time reading or listening to this.

Author jack@prophotographypictures
Tags: Arts, Birmingham, Birmingham photographer, freelance, photographer, photography, story, autism, autistic, autistic photographer
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I am very proud of you keep on taking beautiful photos.