Discover the New Peaky Blinders Murals in Digbeth, Birmingham
Exciting news for fans of Peaky Blinders and art enthusiasts alike! Digbeth, Birmingham, is now home to brand-new murals inspired by the iconic series. These striking artworks feature updated designs and an eye-catching final coat of colour, bringing a fresh and vibrant touch to the area's rich cultural landscape. Whether you're a local or visiting the city, these murals are a must-see, celebrating the spirit of the show and the creative energy of Birmingham. Don't miss the chance to explore this unique tribute in one of the city's most dynamic neighbourhoods!
The stunning Peaky Blinders mural have a change in the last minute.
The Ada Shelby mural as new update design and final paint of colour this was completed on the Friday 15 of November 2024 the art work can be find at Montague Street off Great Barr Streetin Digbeth.
At the new Loc Studio's film and TV studio.

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Do you like new or older design of Ada Shelby?

new mural of The faces of Tommy Shelby,Alfie Solomons,Ada Shelby appeared in Digbeth fans of the Peaky Blinders has grown bigger and bigger ever since BBC made its first episode way back in 12 September 2013.
A new movie is being filmed right now in the city centre of Birmingham to be shown on Netflix hopefully next year 2025.
Birmingham is the home of the Peaky Blinders.
New studios Located at the Digbeth Loc film studio and new headquarters for the BBC moving into the old tea factory from the mailbox.

The mural was painted by Daniel Russell-Ahern, also known as Mr Mural. https://www.facebook.com/mrmurals

Tommy Shelby played by Cillian Murphy

Alfie Solomons played by Tom Hardy

All photos captured by Me ©Jack@Prophotographypictures/Media
Author jack@prophotographypictures
Tags: City,Birmingham, Birmingham photographer, freelance, photographer, photography, pr, press,news , events photography,
Copyright © 2024 jack@ProPhotographyPictures | Birmingham based freelance photographer / photojournalism photographer
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